Baptisms are celebrated the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 12:30pm. Baptism Classes are held the 3rd Wednesday of every month. All documents for Baptisms & Baptism classes for both Parents & Godparents must be received by the parish office no later then 2 weeks prior to the date of Baptism. Please contact the Parish Office at 732-283-2300 for all information and to make arrangements.
This Sacrament is conferred upon the young people of our parish at the beginning of the Ninth Grade school year. Preparation (a full two-year program) takes place during the Seventh and Eighth Grade school years. (see also: R.C.I.A./ R.C.I.C.). To register your child please contact Sister Anna at 732-283-2816.
Our young people receive this Sacrament at the end of the Second Grade school year. Preparation (a full two-year program) takes place during the First and Second Grade school years. (see also RCI). To register you child please contact Sister Anna at 732-283-2816.
Registered parishioners can make arrangements at least one year in advnce of the proposed wedding date. The church must confirm the wedding date prior to making other wedding plans. Please call the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with a priest in order to secure a date.
Wedding Etiquette
Remember when entering the Churchfor your rehersal or wedding, it is a place of worship and proper reverence is expected at all times. All preparations and rehersals will be caried out with the Priest who will officiate the wedding before the event.
Floral Arrangements cannot be placed in front of the altar but may be placed on the sides, in front of the pulpit or somewhere else in the sanctuary. Tape, glue, putty, staples or wires may not be used on church pews to place flowers or ribbons.
Other Restrictons: Rice, rose petals, confetti, bird seed or anything else that has residue are not allowed. Also, no pets are allowed with the exception of service animals.
Must be at least 14 years of age, and have received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, & Confirmation. Must be as active Catholic who is registered in a Catholic Parish, attends Mass, supports the Church, and leads a life compatible with the teachings of the Church. We cannot write letters of eligibility if you do not meet all of these criteria. Original Baptism and/or Confirmation certificates of both Godparents need to be brought in to the Parish Office. These requirements are universal law and are not differed by the Parish.
If any of your loved ones are in need of a priest and need the sacraments, please call the Parish Office, 732-283-2300, any time. The priests are always on call! Regular communion calls to the sick, aged or homebound should be aranged in advance.
The Sacrament, previously known as Extreme Unction, is not solely for those facing imminent death. It offers healing for the mind and body, extending to those with acute or chronic illnesses. Parishioners who are homebound or in the hospital and wish to receive this Sacrament are encouraged to reach out to the Parish Office. For more information, particularly regarding support for the homebound and sick, please contact Sr. Anna
A process of conversion through which non-Christians enter the Catholic Church and non-Catholic Christians are received into full communion with the Church. It is also a process for Baptized Catholics who have not received First Eucharist and/or Confirmation and are brought into full communion with the Church through R.C.I.A.
This process is ongoing throughout the year. Please contact Sr. Anna at 732-283-2816 if you or someone you know would like to become Catholic. Sometimes all it takes is an invitation.
This program is also available to children who have reached the “age of reason” (considered to be age 7) or older and have not yet been baptized; the program for young children is sometimes called RCIC. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children).
You may register on our website and bring the form back to our office, or call our Parish Office
Upon registering we will need a copy of all your sacramental records. Family members over the age of 18 are asked to register independently.